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Purple Satin



Photo courtesy of ASSIUC IR&D Inc

President: Kerry Warkill

Descendant of Erromango, Ambrym, Gaua and Buka Islands. I have been involved with Indigenous and South Sea Islander organisations and communities for the last thirty years. During this time I have fulfilled many roles in executive committees. 

As President of ASSIUC, my vision is to create and grow relationships between the ASSI community and families in the Pacific Islands to gain more knowledge of heritage and culture. I envision these relationships will lead to bringing families from the islands over to Australia for events thus creating solidarity within our communities. In order to keep our culture alive and ensure these relationships are sustainable for future generations I aim to create clear accessibility for young people to learn their traditional (kastom) culture and help remove colonial barriers.

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Photo courtesy of Christine Evans

Vice-President: Christine Evans

My name is Christine Evans (nee Willie). I wish to give God all the glory and honour for my life as an Australian South Sea Islander and Aboriginal woman living and working on Darumbal Country. I am married to Shane Evans with two daughters and blessed with a grandchild. I wish to acknowledge the Darumbal peoples their Elders past, present and emerging and all First Nations peoples who are living on Darumbal land. I wish to acknowledge our South Sea Islander Elders, past, present and emerging. I thank you for your contribution to ensure that the “Forgotten people” their stories are told and shared with the wider community.


I am a descendant of Tanna, Guaua and Lifou and Motalava Islands which I give God all the glory and honour for my lineage which connects my family to Vanuatu and I acknowledge “how He has brought us this far” in Australia which now allows us to visit our Islands should we choose. Highlights for me were the Elders Morning Tea, Cultural and language Workshops, 25th Anniversary Gala Ball and supporting Kanaka Proud Cup.


As a member of ASSIUC RID it is a privilege and an honour to be working alongside others whose family members, their Elders, played a major role in establishing ASSIUC RID to ensure that the Australian South Sea Islander peoples were recognised and their lack of access to housing and education. In my role as Vice –President I believe in ASSIUC RID vision which is “speaking for our voiceless blackbirded ancestors enslaved to Australia by reconnecting our family paths”. With God’s grace and mercy as a member of ASSIUC RID I will continue to work with others to bring ASSI communities together and better outcomes for the next generation. God Bless You.

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Photo courtesy of Rae Willie

My name is Raeleen Willie, and I am the daughter of Royce Willie and Leslie Gabey (nee Leo), my maternal grandparents are Simon Leo and Phyllis Leo (nee Malayta), and my paternal grandparents are Emil Willie and Florence Willie (nee Vea Vea). My Grandad Leo’s parents were Elizabeth (Metalileilevusi) Obah, blackbirded from Ambae Island, she married Louie Leo, blackbirded from Pentecost Island. My Nan Leo’s parents were Jack Meredith blackbirded from Malaita Island, Solomon Islands and he married Amy Meredith/Malayta (nee Wathaken).


Nan Willie (Florence) is the daughter of Edward (Bong) Vea Vea and Constance Vea Vea (nee Wolfer). Edwards parents were SamSam Ambrym, blackbirded from Ambrym Island and Lily Rataromon/Booka, blackbirded from the south sea islands. Constance’s parents were Henry/Billy Wolfer, blackbirded from Gaua Island and Olivia Wolfer (nee Witwit) also blackbirded from Gaua Island. Grandad Willie is the son of Papa Sam Willie, blackbirded from Gaua Island and Minnie Willie (nee Choppy). Nan Minnie’s parents were Harry Choppy, blackbirded from Lifou, New Caledonia and Runhoa – AKA Annie Runhoa. Runhoa was blackbirded from the Banks Islands, Vanuatu.


In my work life over the past 37 years, I have had roles in Federal, State and Territory governments and in the private sector. After nineteen years with Services Australia, I made the decision to leave and commence in a new role in December 2022. I was successful in winning the position of Senior Community Engagement Officer (ASSI identified) with Multicultural Affairs Queensland.


After being away from Rockhampton for just over twenty-two years I returned home in 2008.  Since then, I have volunteered as an executive member for Australian South Sea Islander organisations and with the Australian South Sea Islander United Council – Independent Rockhampton & Districts Inc. in the role of Secretary since 2019. 


One of my passions is seeing our young people succeed and have been fortunate to be supported by ASSI organisations such as ASSIUC and Linking the Generations with the hosting of our Australian South Sea Islander Year 12 Graduation Ceremony. I looking forward to the celebrating our 10th graduation ceremony in 2024.



ASSI Gala Ball

Photo courtesy of Karissa Pinkerton

Treasurer:  Nicole Leo


I commenced as Treasurer of the Organisation in October 2022, and am also a member of the 2023 Kanaka Proud Cup Sub-Committee for Rockhampton.  


Being a proud South Sea Islander, with 4th Generation link to my father, Warren (Joe) Leo OAM, and 2nd Generation link to my mother, Monica Leo (Malamoo).  I am also proud to acknowledge my indigenous heritage tracing back to Yarrabah Country, Yidinji tribe.


I was an active member of ASSIUC when my father was President of this organisation for many years.  I grew up witnessing both parents actively involved in improving conditions and opportunities for black communities.


I live in a small community called Joskeleigh which has strong South Sea Islander ties and have travelled to my homeland, Vanuatu on a number of occasions including visiting both my parents' ancestry villages, Lagatava and Ogatoa  on North Pentecost Island.  I have not had the privilege of visiting Yarrabah Country.


My goal is to assist in influencing cultural education, understanding and awareness in all communities so our people and loved ones, who have gone before us, will never be forgotten.




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Photo courtesy of ASSIUC IR&D Inc

Publicity Officer:  Sharon Vea Vea


My name is Sharon Vea Vea. My family line is also Willie-Dorman.
I love that I am an Australian born South Sea Islander, branching from Vanuatu descendants.


Because I love our simple & natural culture. 
Because I just feel it in my being every day.
Because of the serenity & provision from an ocean & the connection to it.
I love & honour those no longer here; particularly my parents, grandparents & my ancestors. 
I would simply not be here if not for their struggles, their  sacrifices & I am sure, their everything they could give. 

I love my great big family connections.

Being a part of ASSIUC keeps me connected with those gone before me, those here beside me & those coming behind me.

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